“The U.K. is consistently the largest source of immigrants to Nova Scotia,” notes a 2013 Nova Scotia Office of Immigration fact sheet.
Not anymore.
The makeup of where permanent residents come from has changed significantly in the last 10 years, shows data from the province and Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
Where the U.K. accounted for the most arrivals in 2010 (441), it slipped to sixth in 2020 (140), a year where COVID-19 caused admission numbers to drop across the board.
Five of the top 10 countries for 2010 admissions (Egypt, Iran, Bhutan, Iraq and Germany) were no longer in the top 10 for 2020.
Besides the U.K., the only overlapping top 10 countries for 2010 and 2020 were India, China, the Philippines and the USA.
Admissions of permanent residents to Nova Scotia by year