Celebrating the Most Inspiring Immigrants in Atlantic Canada 2026

The Most Inspiring Immigrants in Atlantic Canada initiative identifies and honours immigrants who stand out in their towns and cities across the East Coast – the trailblazers and leaders who have made a positive impact in their communities.

Its mission is to showcase and celebrate success stories from those who have chosen to settle in Atlantic Canada. Its vision, to see our communities thrive under new bonds of tolerance, and to inspire even more immigrants to settle in and contribute towards making the East Coast of Canada the number one place to be.

This one-of-a-kind initiative culminates in a gala celebration with a select number of nominees being honoured by delegates from across the region. Honourees are selected by a distinguished Advisory Committee comprised of members from Canada’s Atlantic region, and assessed on a number of key criteria, including leadership, vision, social responsibility, and impact in their communities.

You can now submit your nominations for the 2026 Most Inspiring Immigrants in Atlantic Canada Award!

Nominees are assessed based on these key criteria:

+ Leadership
+ Achievement
+ Impact in your community
+ Growth and development
+ Vision
+ Community involvement and contribution
+ Social responsibility
+ Must be living, working, or doing business in any
    of the Atlantic Provinces consistently for the last five years


Jan 17, 2025 – Nominations Open

September 30, 2025 – Nominations Close

October 15, 2025 – Nominees Application Submission Deadline

November 2025 – Advisory Committee Judging Session

TBD – Honourees Announced and Awards Gala

Nominations Now Open

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