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Halifax Robert L. Stanfield International Airport is Nova Scotia’s gateway to the world. The statistics below highlight its importance.

(And for more about the airport and its role, see the story Rolling out the welcome)


The number of passengers the airport served in 2016.


Hours per day when U.S. customs pre-clearance is available in Halifax, making the airport unique in Atlantic Canada.


The minimum number of hours each member of the Tartan Team donates to the airport annually. The volunteers are there to help travellers with questions and concerns.

$2.7 billion

The airport’s annual impact on the Nova Scotian economy.


Tonnes of cargo passing through the airport annually.


The Airport Improvement Fee that every passenger departing Halifax pays, which helps fund capital improvements.


The number of airlines offering regularly scheduled service from Halifax, with five more flying seasonally (plus vacation-package and charter flights).

My East Coast Experience

My East Coast Experience is a multimedia publishing platform, celebrating the similarities and differences of people choosing the East Coast of Canada as their new home.