Adsum for Women & Children has been a leader in Nova Scotia in providing emergency shelter at Adsum House and permanent supported housing in HRM for almost four decades. Our first experience building affordable housing dates to 1987.
We house 120 people every day in an Adsum location and support hundreds more who live throughout the community. Some of our current tenants have lived at that Dartmouth location for more than 25 years. We work to realize Nova Scotians’ right to housing that is well maintained, safe, secure, and dignified.
Adsum has started to build “The Sunflower,” 25 affordable housing units at our property in Lakeside and are adding a natural playscape and community centre for tenant use, with offices for support staff. We have deeply committed and experienced Adsum staff working alongside industry partners to realize housing that is not only functional, environmentally responsible, and accessible, but will be a beautiful place to live for people who might otherwise be marginalized.
Adsum has put together more than $6.4 million toward Phase 1 and is continuing to fund raise. A variety of issues including the increased cost of construction materials and labour during COVID and the discovery of bedrock led to major increases in the actual budget of Phase 1. We propose to house about 60 people, adults and children, experiencing chronic homelessness or housing insecurity in permanent, safe, supported, affordable, accessible and environmentally responsible homes.
While it is possible to quantify and monetize that cost, some of the benefits of realizing peoples’ right to housing simply cannot be reduced to a dollar value. Our Vision is: Everyone has a safe and secure home”.

Please visit to help and to learn more about our work at Adsum.